Irancell Roaming Service

Irancell prepaid and postpaid SIM card services (voice calls, SMS, and high-speed 4G mobile internet)

Irancell roaming service and its advantages

If you plan to travel abroad and wish to stay connected with your family and friends, you can use Irancell’s roaming service and its affordable rates to enjoy SIM card services in over 223 operators across 133 countries worldwide. By purchasing Irancell roaming packages, you will have access to the following services during your stay abroad: banking services, transactions and card-to-card transfers, receiving banking SMS notifications, access to domestic administrative and legal systems, online recharge purchases, internet and combo packages, and payment of postpaid SIM card bills.

Provision of services in 133 countries

Affordable rates

Discounted rates in 59 countries

No need to change your number

No need to purchase a new SIM card

Roaming rates

By using the roaming services, you can avail yourself of the diverse offerings of your prepaid or postpaid SIM card (voice calls, SMS, high-speed 4G mobile internet) in any country that has a roaming agreement with Irancell. Choose your desired destination to find the rates for calls, SMS, and internet.

Select your desired destination to find the services tariff.

Everything you need to know about roaming

To use the roaming service, you must activate it before the trip. To do this, follow the steps below:

  •  Make sure that MTN Irancell has a roaming agreement with your destination country.
  •  The roaming service is activated via MyIrancell application or dialing *1111*1# from your SIM card.

Roaming Service Activation in My Irancell Application: Right Menu > File > Roaming Services

You need to activate roaming services to start using your mobile phone abroad. Here are the necessary steps to activate this service on different operating systems; based on your OS, follow the corresponding steps.

The steps to activate these services in iOS operating systems are as follows:

You can deactivate your roaming service at the end of your trip by dialing *1111*2# or using MyIrancell app.
Since there is a possibility of automatic roaming activation on the operators of neighboring countries near the border areas, deactivate your roaming service by dialing *1111*2# or using MyIrancell application.

My Irancell application > Right Menu > File > Roaming Services

common questions

By dialing the command code *1111*1# (before leaving the country), you can activate the roaming service of your Irancell number.