Pre-paid to Post-paid SIM Card Switching Terms and Conditions

In order to switch their pre-paid to post-paid SIM Cards within Irancell Network, subscribers are required to accept and observe the following terms and conditions:‌

1. Definitions

1.1 “Airtime”, means the credit in Rials or the package which could be used by subscribers within Irancell Network, based on which Irancell enables the subscribers to use Network Services to the specified limit.‌

The said Airtime is further classified into categories as follows:‌‌

   1.1.1 “WOW Airtime”, ‌ Irancell Pre-paid subscribers can use WOW Airtime to receive extra airtime, in addition to the normal airtime earned by the amounts paid by them. In fact, using this method, subscribers may, by paying the same amount, increase their Airtime, more than the normal amount; however the Airtime has an expiry date and the subscribers should reach their full credit, once the Airtime is activated, within the specified period of time.‌‌

   1.1.2 “Bolt-on Packages”,‌  These packages, known as Bolt-on, are comprised of a combination of various services including voice call, high speed mobile Internet, SMS, etc., which are accessible upon activation and payment of applicable charges.‌‌‌‌

1.2 “Pre-paid SIM Card”,‌ refers to a type of SIM Card the charges of using which is paid in advance by the subscriber to Irancell. The services provided for this type of SIM Card are available so long as the subscriber has sufficient airtime in his/her account. ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

1.3 “Post-paid SIM Card”,‌ refers to a type of SIM Card that the charges of using its services is paid by the subscriber on a periodical basis subsequent to using those services. ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

1.4 “Porting”,is a process by which the subscriber can switch to another operator without the need to change mobile number.‌

2. Expenses

2.1 The charges associated with pre-paid to post-paid SIM Card switching shall be based on the price of the post-paid SIM Card. The subscriber should note that the aforementioned charges are collected for using Pre-paid to Post-paid SIM Switching Service and will not be refunded.‌‌‌

2.2 In the event the subscriber applies to change the method by which he/she pays for services from pre-paid to post-paid, he/she is required to send the request for changing the subscription type using the methods provided by Irancell announced in different ways and accessible through Irancell website. The subscriber is also required to accept Pre-paid to Post-paid SIM Card Switching Terms and Conditions and pay the relevant charges through one of the methods communicated by Irancell.‌‌‌‌‌

Note: In case the payment plan is changed by the subscriber, all the Value Added Services transferred to the new plan will be calculated on the basis of the new tariff.‌

3. General Provisions

3.1 The subscriber is required to carefully review his/her address before submitting the request for Pre-paid to Post-paid SIM Card Switching. Any subsequent communication with the subscriber will be made via the address announced by the same. In the event that an incorrect address is announced by the subscriber, he/she will be held responsible and no objection will be accepted in this regard.

3.2 Subscriber’s information including National ID Card Number, etc., should be recorded at Irancell website, completely. In case of failure to provide proper information by the subscriber, the request for Pre-paid to Post-paid SIM Card Switching will be rejected by Irancell. As a result, before applying for SIM Card Switching, the subscriber should ensure that the information recorded for the Prepaid SIM Card is correct.‌‌

3.3 The charges associated with using the SIM Card will be calculated as Post-paid subscribers upon receipt of the application for Pre-paid to Post-paid SIM Card Switching. However this process will take time within all Irancell systems. The end of the said process will be communicated to the subscribers via SMS. The subscriber should take into consideration that during this time, due to the fact that switching process is still in progress, data usage will be calculated based on the out-of-bundle tariff. In order to prevent this issue, the subscriber should wait to receive the related SMS. Otherwise no claims in this respect shall be heard.

‌3.4 The remaining balance of your prepaid SIM Card, your main WOW charges and the main packages will be transferred to your postpaid SIM Card. However, WOW airtime presented to you as gift, roaming packages, gift packages, “Offers” packages, shared packages, current and future promotional plans as well as customized combo packages such as Boom and Boom+ will not be transferred.‌‌‌‌‌‌ Similarly, Pishvaz service subscription will also be cancelled, with active RBTs be deleted from Pishvaz user account.‌‌

Note: All the Night Packages which are transferred from Pre-paid to Post-Paid SIM Card, notwithstanding their previous status, may only be used between 2-7 AM.‌‌

3.5 Some packages or credits may be granted as promotional plans by Irancell to the subscriber whose SIM Card is switched to Post-paid status. Evidently, Irancell is not responsible for granting those mentioned gifts and it is authorized to change the amount of packages and their credit and even refuse to grant them to the subscribers. The subscriber will not be entitled to make any objection in this respect.‌

3.6 Subscribers will not have the option to switch their Post-paid SIM Cards back to Pre-paid status upon using Pre-paid to Post-paid SIM Card Switching plan. In other words, Pre-paid to Post-paid SIM Card Switching is an irrevocable process based on which as soon as the request for receiving the Service is made by the subscriber, the process associated with switching pre-paid to post-paid SIM Card will be started and the received charges will not be refundable.‌‌‌‌‌‌

Note:  As per the provisions of Note 1 under Clause 3.5 of Pre-paid and Post-paid Subscribers Agreement, the ported subscribers who intend to port back to another network from Irancell and have used the related promotional plans at the switching of Pre-paid to Post-paid SIM Card may be ported only if they have fulfilled their obligations with respect to paying back the charges associated with receipt of the said services.

3.7 Upon pre-paid to post-paid SIM Card switching, the relationship between Irancell and the subscriber will be governed by all the provisions under Irancell Post-paid Subscribers Agreement.‌

4. Some tips

4.1 After the request to convert the SIM card, your prepaid line will be converted to postpaid within 24 hours.

4.2 Special gift packages will be allocated to the SIM card within 72 hours after activation.