The Minister of ICT Inaugurated Irancell FTTx and the 1008th 5G Site

The FTTx project has been operational in Ferdosieh, Golestan, Chardangeh, and Shahed Shahr in the southwest Tehran province in the presence of the Minister of ICT. The Minister of ICT also inaugurated the 1008th 5G site of Irancell in Islamshar, almost the 2000th site in Iran.
This ceremony was held on Monday 23 June 2024 in Ferdosieh Municipality Conference Hall in the presence of the Minister of ICT, Head of CRA, Tehran Governor, and some local managers.
In this ceremony, the Minister of the ICT had an online connection with some Irancell FTTx subscribers. Accordingly, a speed test was performed on the Irancell FTTx network platform which recorded almost 1 Gbps.
In this ceremony, the 1008th Irancell 5G site which is considered the 2000th 5G site in Iran was inaugurated online in Islamshahr by the Minister of ICT, and its speed test recorded over 1 Gbps (1068 Mbps).
In this ceremony, the Minister of ICT reiterated that at the beginning of this government, we had only 10 5G sites in Iran; however, the number has increased to 2000 5G sites at the moment. The number of 5G sites has increased by 200 times.
Zarepour also thanked the managers and technical teams of Irancell, other operators, and the bodies involved in the FTTx project for their performance in this respect.