Interesting facts about RFID technology

You’ve already introduced with RFID technology. This technology is used in various industrial and commercial fields, and its positive impact on different applications, especially inventory and sales has been proven. In this article, we’ll mention a few facts about this technology that can be very interesting without having a technical look.
1 – RFID was invented by a person named Harry Stockman in the 1940s. In fact, this technology was the result of an attempt to distinguish between friendly and enemy’s aircraft during the World War II. It is interesting to know that Stockman is said to be a Soviet spy.
2 – Vatican has been using RFID technology for years to track more than two million books and manuscripts that include the oldest Bible in the Vatican library. Soon, two million more books are to be added to the list. It is worth noting that the Vatican Library currently has about 40 million books.
3 – Walmart began tagging its products using RFID technology since 2003 with the aim of preventing theft and management of the inventory system. Today, many famous physical and online stores use RFID labels on their products.
4 – RFID was first used in 2004 as a handy item for events and festivals. Today, if you travel to Disneyworld, you must use RFID to open the hotel room, pay for food, and get your photos roaming around Disneyworld.
5 – McDonald’s South Korean branch was the first to offer a new RFID-based payment system in 2007 using mobile phones.
6 – The smallest RFID tag is produced by Hitachi, and you can attach it to a bee. In fact, the size of the label is 0.065 square centimeters. Scientists use this tag to get familiar with the habits and living conditions of the bees, as well as the type of plants they rely on most.
7 – In some parts of England, RFID technology is used to track the amount of waste that every neighborhood produces per week.
8 – The FDA has approved the use of RFID tags for tracking blood.
9 – RFID is widely used in the automotive industry. In this section, each piece is marked with an RFID tag to ensure a smooth assembly process, improved monitoring quality, and product warranties.
10 – A company called Nutrismart has produced edible RFID tags. The basic idea is to allow people to see the amount and composition of nutritional they eat. In fact, they literally put data into the food you eat.
11 – RFID has also targeted the space. More precisely, NASA is working on an RFID program to make sure that all the items astronauts need in space, is with them.
12 – New York City Metro travelers will depend on RFID technology soon. The managers of this subway have decided to replace existing cards that need to be inserted into the slot of turnstiles with RFID-based cards to make the process of entering the platforms smoother. The scheduled plan is to start using smart cards in 2019.