Happy Fajr Decade!

In this Fajr decade and between February 1st and February 11th, all pre-paid and post-paid subscribers of Irancell can enjoy the following special gifts!

Shake and enjoy 45 GB Free Data!

From February 1st to February 11th, visit the “Amazing Shake” section on MyIrancell super application and shake your handset to be one of 4500 lucky subscribers who gets 45 GB. So, grab this exciting opportunity and give it a try. This data package is valid for 24 hours and each user can get it only once.

Talk for 5 mins, get 50 mins for free!

Once this offer is activated, only the first 5 minutes of each on-net call is charged in your account and the next 50 minutes of that call is free of charge. Therefore, enjoy this offer during Fajr Decade to keep in touch with your loved ones. This on-net voice package can be activated by dialing *4444*1*2# or via MyIrancell.